Wednesday, September 17, 2008

AdSense application


Applying for an AdSense publisher account is easy. Just click the following link to get started.

Sign up for AdSense. 


You will see the following page and you will need to click on the "Sign up now " button as shown bellow.

Next, fill in the form you will be shown and click the "Submit information" button at the bottom of the page. Keep in mind that some of the information you will provide here won't be editable so be carreful not to make the slightest mistake (read and read your application form again before submitting).

Here are two things you should pay attention to when applying for your adsense publisher account:

- Contact information is crucial because all your payments will be blocked untill you enter a secret code you will be mailled to the address you provide. Wrong address means NO payment ! In this section, payee name (generally your name) and country won't be editable.

- Product selection : check both options (I don't know why they give this choice)

The next page confirms the information you entered and asks if you already have a Google account. If you use another Google service like Blogger, Adwords... then check the first option. If not, check the second one and go on by creating a new Google account.

Google will then confirm that your application has been successful.

Wait for 1 or 2 days and you will receive the follow up message in your mailbox. If you are accepted, you will be able to log in to your AdSense account and start showing ads on your website / blog.

Friday, September 12, 2008


here where you can find all my works in (web designing) and some of my graphic and architecture works...........

first of blogs and websites.......


this site is especialist in italian football......coz am a big fan of italian football..i decided to start making a site about italy.....and calcio ,coz i belive it's the best in the world.....although am egyption but i consider italy as my second home....and this blog is special to me as it was the first one of my network....... hope u like it........


quotes love quotes.....quotes are inspiration to the soul and body.....i can't live without quotes......some of them are funny and others and romantic...and others are about wars ..........i really hope u love quotes like me.......


do u know much about google adsense? if u don't know then it's ur place to be......this site can give u tips and tutorials about getting started with google adsense.....if u know google and working with it....then it's ur place too,here i posted some prescious tips and points about google adsense and how u can be a millionir with it.....don't waste your's a chance.....hold it tightly........


an arabic form site.....explains how u can make money online with affiliate programes and google adsense and ptc companies.......well it's true u can get money online if u want to do so....but it's little hard to do in the begginning but after that,u gonna be richy......


this site is about ptc companies...i managed to collect only truely sites and companies's profity to make and hard to do so....but results are awesome.....belive it or not.....u GONNA BE RICH.........


news's abvious it's about egypt......but also in arabic form.....only this is in arabic and fund-free's all about what is happeing in the streets and how we can overcome our problems.......there is alot of problems in egypt......every thing is getting expensive.....and there is no money.......and there is alot of laws that had to be considered for revising.....but we are talking to our body hear and see.......that's why i made this one......


my last one is about------PHOTOSHOP------have u ever dreamed about having your photos been better with some effects and filters....???....well every thing is here for FREE......all u have to do is to give me the link of your photo..and i will make u a superstar......easy and u won't lose anything to do so.....just try it for the way.....i think u are asking your self now...why i'm doing this for free.....i'll tell u>>>coz i need to train in photoshop as it's my career to be a professional in photoshop and u r gonna help me make ur photos and get bennifit too.......

that's my websites.....but if u wanna know more about my graphic and architecture portfolio >>>>>>>>>>>
that's my account on facebook

for contact....

link exchange

Hi, wanna place your link here.

Just place a link to my blog in your blog or site,notify me, and i'll place your link can notify me on any one of those emails..

  • or you can make a comment.....----------------


italian football fans

egypt news

quotes book

ptc buxy sites

earn money from internet

make your photos for free

Thursday, September 4, 2008


here is my emails...for contact.....

mobile: 2-012-6041726     /     home:  203-5455494




my accounts and profiles:



about me

i'm karim birthday is 25/7/1988    am studing architecture at the faculty of fine arts...........i love computers,internet,graphics and blogging :)

i love graphics very much and i really adore adobe photoshop and 3dsmax.

i decided to make my own network of blogs and websites......and this is one of them....i really hope your enjoy it and i would really apprciate your comments and preview about my blogs......the design and topics...........feel free to have your opinion............


 ...........karim elnabawy.............

Friday, August 29, 2008

How To Get Started On MySpace

How To Get Started On MySpace

MySpace is a social networking website where millions of individuals around the world share information related to their family, friends, interests, hobbies, work, and more! This international website offers a number of key features and benefits that draw the attention of millions of users on a daily basis. It allows individuals to create a personalized website to do anything that they want with! MySpace users can enjoy interacting with others through email messages, various forums, through a personalized blog, bulletins, various communities, and even music and videos! If you want to be a part of the world's number one social networking website, we will inform you how to get started on MySpace here!

Account Creation

It is relatively simple to engage in account creation on MySpace. You just need a few minutes, an email address, and the time to provide some pretty basic information about yourself. Once you have done this, it is important and necessary to take the time to read the terms of your membership on this social networking website. Once this is completed, you will be welcomed to the website with open arms! This is done by an activation email. It will be sent to the email address that you used to create your account on MySpace. You simply open and click! Then, you are in! Your door to the world and many of the individuals will be opened so that you can do what you want! Advertise yourself, talk about your career, provide news, even advertise and market your merchandise, videos, and music! 

Basic Requirements

In order to join the most popular and fastest growing online community in the world, there are a few basic requirements that must be met. These requirements have been established in order to secure your safety, personal information, and to make your online usage an exciting and rewarding adventure. In addition to this, these requirements have been established to ensure that everyone in the MySpace community can be safe and enjoy their online experience as well. Individuals who join this website should be at least fourteen years old. It is important to keep your personal information private to ensure your safety, and properly protect it - this includes your password. You should also ensure that you do not use MySpace for commercial purposes unless this has been previously approved. 

Your Profile

Your profile is the page that visitors will see when they visit your page. Many individuals find that this is a very exciting part of becoming a MySpace member. You can customize this page to display your interests, likes, hobbies, work, personal life, and more! The downfall is that in order to create a truly effective and detailed profile, a basic knowledge of HTML is required. The good thing is, there are many MySpace profile generators that will assist you with nearly every aspect of profile creation when it comes to your MySpace page. This makes it extremely easy to develop and design an artistic profile with little or no experience!

In order to start creating a memorable profile, you would simply visit your home page on MySpace and select 'Edit Profile'. This will be near the image that you can place on your page. Here, you can type information that is related to you, the things that you enjoy, people that you are looking to meet, your lifestyle, and more! If you like, you can add pictures, videos, and music to your MySpace page as well! What better way to show the world who you are and what you are all about? If you are ready to get started on your MySpace page, simply visit the myspace site.

The Secrets to Long Term Internet Success

The Secrets to Long Term Internet Success

Although it is possible to operate your Internet business without building a list, you will make much more money if you have one. With a good list, you can expect to generate about one dollar for each subscriber, each and every month. This translates into big money over time.

With a good list building squeeze page, you can expect to register about 250 subscribers each month. Over the course of a year, this works out to about 2,880 subscribers. If you continue to build your list for 3 years, you can expect to have about 8,600 on your list.

Now lets look at those numbers after 3 years. If you have a list and a fantastic product comes out that you know would be a big seller, you can send out a message to your subscribers recommending this great product. That means that you have sent out 8,600 sales letters. On average, you will make about one dollar for each of your subscribers. Therefore, you will make about $8600 in that month. Without a list, who will you recommend that great new product to? You would have to find all new prospects. Who do you think is going to make more money that month, the one with the list, or the one without? 

I think we would all agree on the answer to that question. It is much more difficult to sell something to a perfect stranger than it is to someone that you?ve dealt with for a number of years. It is just human nature. So why wouldn?t you build a list? It doesn?t cost you much money to build it. It costs you nothing to maintain it. And it can double or even triple the amount of income that you can make.

It sounds like a no-brainer to me. If you are serious about your Internet business and want to make money every month, you?ve got to have a list.

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? Get my Free ebook entitled, How To Make Money Every Day!

Key Affiliate Marketing Principles to Make Real Money Online as an Affiliate Marketer

Key Affiliate Marketing Principles to Make Real Money Online as an Affiliate MarketerIs it Still Possible to Make Good Money Online?

Making Decent Affiliate Income Online is Not That Hard - Fact

In fact making a six-figure income from passive, hands-off Affiliate Marketing isn't as hard as you think.

So if it's not that difficult why are most people failing miserably to make anything at all?

You therefore won't be blamed for being just a little bit skeptical when you're told that it is easy to make really big money with affiliate marketing and that some people consistently make in excess of $100,000 a month. 

So what is the correct way to make money as an affiliate marketer I hear you ask?

Well in truth it really isn't rocket science - all you need to do is follow sound online business principles and forget all the hype about 'secret methods' and 'never revealed marketing strategies'.

Following is a list of the above principles that all need to exist for a successful online affiliate business - I'm afraid that if you are all hyped-up right now, thinking that I'm going to reveal some amazing new traffic source, secret money-making method or otherwise some crazy method you may be just a little bit disappointed.

Key Affiliate Marketing Principles to Ensure Online Success as a Super Affiliate 

Sell an Extraordinarily Popular Product or Service
Forget about untapped, secret, gold mine niches - just select a product or service that you know sells well like weight loss pills or web hosting and so on.

I know this flies in the face of conventional wisdom as it will be said that there's too much competition for these niches, blah, blah, blah...

But just wait.
Forget about getting traffic just for the sake of having lots of traffic through your site.

What you need is site visitors with their credit card in hand looking for the order button.
Just Do It
Don't plan to death without actually doing anything.

Often the ugliest sites make the most money - just make sure it is well optimized for search engines and structured correctly in terms of the html and css.

Looks pretty simple doesn't it?

Yep it certainly does but it does take a bit of effort and perhaps a little expertise as well but the above formula definitely works and works well if implemented correctly and effectively.

For more detail, tips and methodical strategies for generating easy profits from easy traffic check out how you can earn a six-figure income from Passive, Hands-Off Affiliate Marketing »


Make Money Online Has No Guarantees

Make Money Online Has No Guarantees

I believe that you can see a lot of ads saying that they can make you rich and how much you can make, and if you did not achieve those goals, they are going to refund you with your money. Is that true? Well, whether it is true or not, it is not important here. What is more important here is how you respond towards all the strategies that you?ve purchased and discovered.

The moment you see someone makes millions of dollars from the net, do you believe it? Are you going to ask for evidence? Many people did not believe, and they ask for proofs. Just like when you see an ad saying that they can teach you to make so and so much amount of money in just one week, I?m sure you are going to hesitate about it, you will ask for proves. Please make this clear, the things that you are purchasing is just information, without applying those information, they are not going to make you rich.

Many people are skeptical, if you are an internet millionaires and you teach all of your friends how exactly to make money online, only 5 percent of them are going to be rich. The rest of them are not going to create any amazing results, simply because they did not put what you taught into actions. There is no such thing as guaranteed results in internet marketing, it is your actions and effort that are going to guarantee for your results, not the information or e-book that you?ve purchased. 

Let me give you some examples here, do you think that your PhD will guarantee to make you rich? No. Do you think that Harvard will guarantee to make you more money or get you a job? No. Did someone get a high-paying job with their degree or PhD? Yes. This is exactly the same in internet marketing. You can find a lot of money making strategies out there, but they did not guarantee any results. However, there are indeed some people who did make nice chunk of cash with those money making strategies.

So the only thing that can guarantee your results is your own actions. I can give you a sure winning lottery number, but are you going to buy that lottery? All I ask is just the little actions to buy that lottery. Many people are skepticism; they did not believe it and they will ask for evidence. In fact, to achieve financial success is all about moving forward and taking actions. You always concentrate in creating results rather asking for results.

Always remember, the only guarantee is the one that you give to yourself, not from other people. Just like a great marketing product, for some people, it is great and they truly make money from it. However, for some people, they did not make any money from it. These are not because of the product; it is because of the people. You know obviously that without putting in any effort and actions, it will be useless even if the product guarantees you a full-refund.

Success lies within your hand, it is you yourself that is going to guarantee for your future. So start creating results, don?t ask for results.

Traditional Feeling of Gifts

When you give someone a gift, what feeling do you usually want to convey? Usually we give gift to someone when it?s their birthday, on weddings, on wedding anniversaries, on mother?s day or father?s day, and more commonly on Christmas Day. 
However, giving gifts on special days are more on the traditional side. Gifts are not only given on a special day, some gifts are given out of an expression. Gifts, sometimes, symbolizes an expression of feeling towards the other such as love or friendship, gratitude for a gift received, piety in a form of charity, solidarity, and many more.
Now there are a lot of things that can be given as a gift to convey these kinds of feelings, but the most commonly gift used for these are flowers. This is because every kind of flower holds a specific expression of emotion such as the red rose that are used to express deep love or respect.
Many have come to use the flowers as a form of a gift to give to their loved ones on special occasions such as Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, or more commonly on Valentines Day. And because of this, flowers have been in large demand, which is why flowers shops have been sprouting out like daisies everywhere you look especially here in the Philippines. And among the famous flowers shops here in the Philippines is the Dangwa Flower Market.
Flower shops can also be seen on the internet, providing their customers with the convenience of buying flowers online, and among the best online flower shops here in the Philippines is the Flowers Express Gifts Philippines.
The Flowers Express Gifts Philippines is an online flower shop that specializes in selling and delivering different kinds of flowers and gift items to customers. The Flowers Express Gifts Philippines can offer their customers with a wide variety of flowers such as Roses, Alstroemerias, Carnations, Ecuadorian Roses, Gerberas, Lilies, Orchids, Spring Flowers and Tulips.
The Flowers Express Gifts Philippines can also provide their customers with different kinds of floral arrangements befitting an occasion or sentiment such as Anniversaries, Congratulations, Christmas, Get Well, Love & Romance, Sorry, Thank You, Welcome Home and Valentines Special.
The Flowers Express Gifts Philippines also offers different kinds of gift items such as Chocolates, Fruit Baskets, Gift Baskets, Men's Fragrances, Wines & liquors, Women's Fragrances and Mass Prayer Cards.
So if you ever think of giving some gift to your loved ones, then give them some flowers. It is the sure way of letting them know what you really feel about them. For more information about the Flowers Express Gifts Philippines, then visit their site at

Video Blogging and PR Submission Faq

Video Blogging and PR Submission Faq

Well, the paradigm is changing for internet media portals from pure text to text and pictures and now again to text and movies or video press releases. There is no punishment as per say, besides the fact that your press release submission number will decrease if you do not catch up the new trend and enable video and audio news on your media portal, if you are media news website. If you are PR author, or the company, who is publishing press releases on the regular base, you should consider transition to making video blogs and video press releases as part of your job duties. Here are FAQ as we hear them now, as time is advancing, you may expect more questions to be common, however at this time we share what we know so far:

1. Video News format. As computer screen dictates the limitations, a lot of screens have resolution 1024x768, however this is changing rapidly as more people and organizations are purchasing new wide screen LCD and notebooks. Traditional internet media portals were restricting their websites to be only 750 pixels wide and being centered. If you think that your PR should stick to the old format and be compliant with 5 years old computers limitations, you should limit your video news format to 320x200 chars. If you would like to challenge the technology advance, then we still do not recommend you to scale up to current DVD format, and stay somewhere in the middle. Files formats: mpg and avi are very popular.

2. Press Release vs. Article dilemma. Yes, this is the question, as you should decide if you plan to distribute your video news to articles or PR submission sites ? typically each side do not honor opposite site requirements. In our opinion PR sites are better prepared at this time to video blogs submission and publishing, however make your own research to get your opinion in your specific sector

3. How to submit your video press release. This requires some homework. You should try to find video news submission sites by doing queries in google, yahoo, msn and other popular search engines

Internet Home Based Business - Pump Up your Website Cash-counter

Internet Home Based Business - Pump Up your Website Cash-counter 

Are your minisites sales slowing down? Do you want to burst the selling power of your website right off the charts.

Are you planning to increase the sales conversion of your website through the roof?

If you answered yes to any of the above question, make sure you read this article instantly.

The reason you are not getting tons of targeted website traffic is simple.

Here's the reason...

1. It is difficult for one page sites to rank higher in the search engines.

Search engines love authority sites in a particular niche.

This simply means that you have to build huge content based sites with thousands of incoming links if you want to stand a chance of getting thousands of free targeted website traffic.

2. The cost of pay per click search engines are pumping up.

It is next to impossible for an average Joe to spend $1 per click in competitive niches.

3. Competition is getting tremendously tough due to thousands of websites popping up every single day.

You are not alone selling the product in your niche. Just search for your main keywords in google and you will see thousands of websites competing for your key phrase.

There are 2 killer steps that will help you to survive in this tough internet home business world...

Step 1 - Build Your Credibility.

Here's how to do it...

a. Provide valuable content to your visitors.

Create a huge quality theme based content website.

If you do this you will get repeat traffic and search engines will love you.

This will help you to attract thousands of visitors to your website starting today.

b. Give them valuable gifts and offers.

Give your visitors valuable gifts in the form of ecourse, free ebooks, reports, etc.

They love valuable content and if you give them free quality content in your niche, they will love you and in return give you what you want, that is sales and dollars.

Step 2 - List Building.

It is extremely important to build a list if you want to drive killer repeat traffic to your website and burst up your website sales.

Here's how to do it. Create a squeeze page in your niche and give your visitors something valuable for free.

Make them to signup in your list before you give them your free gift.

Once you have setup a system you will build your list on autopilot with the help of autoresponders.

A Tyrant for a Leader

A Tyrant for a Leader

They say that kids are our future, and apparently it?s true. It?s because when they grow up they will be the ones to decide the future of our world. Just think about it, your kid can become the future of this world, the one that will bring peace and prosperity to our world, or they can also be the ones that will bring chaos and one day hold the world by its throat. This is why it is up to the parents to mold and shape their children to what they will become in the future.
Parents have responsibilities to provide the best education and environment as possible, because of what they will learn, all that they have experienced and all of the things that they gained will serve as a tool for them to overcome the many obstacles of adulthood.
But other than proper education and good environment, your kid should also be exposed on some other things such as proper clothing. Apart from the most important part of growing up, a kid should also be experienced on how to dress properly and to look appropriate.
But as all parents know, providing the best kind of clothing is costly enough, let alone education. This is why the Seven Wholesale is here to provide ways for parents to accomplish their main task, to provide the best for their children.
Seven Wholesale is an online wholesale clothing shop that that specializes on selling different kinds of wholesale clothing such as wholesale clothing for men, wholesale womens clothing, wholesale clothing for urban wear, wholesale clothing for streets wear, wholesale clothing Sean John, wholesale clothing Roca wear, and most importantly wholesale kids clothing. 
The wholesale kids clothing that Seven Wholesale provides the best collection of kids clothing. This collection of wholesale kids clothing includes rocawear, ecko, sean john kids, gunit, phat farm, and enyce.
The reason why Seven Wholesale can be a convenience for all parents is that all of its wholesale kids clothing or any other wholesale clothing are discounted. Seven Wholesale can also provide parents a means to gain profits with its wholesale clothing collections.
For more information about the wholesale kids clothing of Seven Wholesale, then visit

5 Tips to Make the Most Money From Google Adsense

5 Tips to Make the Most Money From Google Adsense 

Some people may be aware of the different ways online but, one seems to be most commonly and easily used. This is by using Google Adsense. If you have never heard of it, Google Adsense id when you have a website or a blog and you can place Google ads onto your page. Whenever someone clicks on the Google ads that you have placed on your site, you will get paid for it. 

There are people out there right now that have made thousands of dollars per day from Google adsense. It can be quite a hard thing to do if you are strictly basing Google adsense as your full time income. Now, I would like to discuss with you a few things that you can do in order to get your Google ads fully ready to start making money.

1. The first thing you want to do is make sure that your Google ads match your website color. You don?t want to have a brown ad mixed on top of a purple website background. It doesn?t look right and in decreases the click through rate.

2. Whenever you choose the types of ads you want make sure that you put as many ads as possible on your site. Don?t make it look over crowded though because people will identify quickly that your site is spamming ads.

3. Make sure that you write about something, or have content on a niche that is very profitable. You can do a search in Google keyword tool to find which keywords are making the most money in your niche. When you find that out, you can write some stuff about your niche using that keyword and the ads will automatically upload the ads that are paying more money.

4. Avoid using the leader board image ads because they seem less appealing and have been proven that they have a lower click through rate as well.

5. Never click on your own ads to try and get more money out of it. You can get a fine from Google and you will no longer ever be allowed to use Google adsense again.

So, there you have it! I have given you 5 tips to gaining more money with Google ads. Now, in order to get a full time income using Google adsense, you must multiply your work. By this I mean you should have over 10 websites up and running with traffic through them to get the most amount of money from just Google ads alone.

Create Wealth With your Online Business

A good online business can not only make you money, it can create wealth over the long term. In order to maximize your Internet business, you need a good autoresponder. And a quality squeeze page. Using these items, you can develop a large responsive list.

It is well known that a good list will generate about one dollar per month per subscriber. With a serious list building campaign you can build a list of 10,000 subscribers in a few years. This has the potential to create considerable wealth.

Among sales people, it is well known that most people will purchase a product on the 5th or 6th time that they are exposed to it. And that is the reason that a good Autoresponder is so important. Without a list, you have just 1 opportunity to make the sale with each prospect. On that one visit, you must convince them that you are knowledgeable, honest, trustworthy, and have a great product that is fairly priced. That is a lot to ask of a sales page in just one visit.

Using an autoresponder, you can email information and free reports to your list on a regular basis. Through these regular contacts, your subscribers will come to see you as a knowledgeable, honest, and trustworthy individual. Intermixed among your regular mailings, you can send them offers for products that you recommend. Over the course of 5 or 6 months, you can send them to your sales page 5 or even 10 times. And that is the reason that a good autoresponder is so important. Using this technique, it is almost a certainty that you will create wealth over time.

So, if you are not using one, look for a good autoresponder. It is an essential tool that can almost certainly create wealth through your online business!

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? Get my Free ebook entitled, How To Make Money Every Day!

multimedia projector

What are the Top 10 Ways of Making Money Online?

No strategies or techniques, business models, but in a more general sense. To give you an idea: 1. Affiliation website.2 type. Adsense.3 website with content. Affiliation type Adsense.4 +. Your own product - site.5 membership. Your own product - ebook.6. JV deals.7. Your own product - software.8. Directory site.9 type. Newsletter.10 online. Promote products using Adwords.Bonus affiliate. Sale on Ebay + your own site VERY high way is to create your OWN business and market it well. Find out what YOU are at BON, see if there is a niche, and start your business in this niche. Run it as a professional business with profit / loss assessment, business plan, goals, etc.… You can earn a lot of money doing this, but most people will not take the time and effort to make it happen. Question: Will you be the one to do it?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Make Money Online by Answering Surveys!

Make Money Online by Answering Surveys!

        You will earn by simply answering surveys, and there is a welcome survey that gonna paid you $6.00 easily! The site is called A.W. Surveys!Over 2 Million Dedicated Survey takers have joined A.W.Surveys, many call this site a scam site but i beg to disagree, one of my Filipino blog pals, have been paid so she is a living proof that AW Surveys is not a scam. The payment will be sent via Paypal or check. All countries are accepted as long as you have a valid Paypal account.

The surveys are so easy to answer you don't have to be a degree holder to answer it, LOL! the answer will just based on your personal opinions and that's it they also pay you to refer your friends.

Google Adsense Tips & Tricks

Google Adsense Tips & Tricks

I'm not playing as an expert here but this article may help achieve your first $100 from Google Adsense. I did it in less than 4 months, not so fast but still faster than those other bloggers than already having their Adsense codes in their blogs for more than a year now but didn't get any positive results, if you're one of those i don't intend to hurt you in any way. Just read on who knew after you implemented my 'Google Adsense Tips & Tricks' you will now achieve the $100 mimimum pay-out from Google Adsense.

1. Read the Google Adsense TOS thoroughly.
I think this is the most important tip i can give to any 'Adsensers' out there. I've read so many blog post entitled "My Adsense account is banned!" or "My Adsense account is suspended!" and they end up cursing Adsense to the highest degree possible but the truth is they don't read the Term Of Service (TOS) and just signed up.

2. Patience is a Virtue
There is no quick bucks or instant money on the internet or if there's any that promise you that, that's probably a SCAM and just want to make money out of you.

3. Don't Ever Click Your Own Ads.
This is the most unforgivable act you can do with your Adsense. They absolutely don't tolerate it. Your blog, your name and your account will be banned forever.

4. Put the Ads Above the Fold.
Place the google adsense codes, into the upper part of your blog so that your readers/visitors can able to see it. Remember in Adsense they are paying for every click, if no one clicks on your ads you will have no earnings no matter how many millions visitors your blog is getting.

5. Blend the Ads Into Your Blog Template.
Make your ads appear to be 'not ads at all' so that you're readers will not be annoyed by it. Match the color of the background, the links must be the same color you're using. Don't use any borders, it's unnecessary. If you're gonna be labeling it, the only allowed words is "Sponsored" or "Sponsored Links" they don't allowed labels such as "Favorite Sites" "Click This" "Visit This Links" or any words that invite the users to click on the ads, they must click on their freewill.

6. Use the 336 x 280 Square Ad Format.

This is the most profitable size according to my personal experiences. Place it above the fold, before you're blog posts. I'm using this trick on this blog.

7. Write on a Specific Niche.

I know not everybody will agree with me on this one, but it works for me. Remember Google bot is crawling into your content and display ads according to the topics you write on your blog. Think what ads will be displayed if you write about dogs today, Britney Spears tomorrow and golf techniques the other day.

8. In Adsense, Less is More.
In this ad program, they allow you to put up to 3 'Adsense for Content' ads, 3 Link Ad Units, 2 Adsense for Search and unlimited Referral Ads (not sure!) but that doesn't mean you will put all of this into your blog. In my blog, i'm using 2 Adsense for Content ads, 1 or 2 Link Ad Units, none or 1 Adsense for Search and I don't put any Referral Ads from Adsense, i'm not good at any CPA based programs.

That's it! Those we're the things i'm using into my blogs, test it on your blogs too! who knows it might work.

Nintendo DS (NDS) Lite Games Free Download

Nintendo DS (NDS) Lite Games Free Download

Here are the website that i found offering free Downloadable Nintendo DS Lite Games (NDS Roms) I'm adding more sites here if I found more, or if you found websites that offering Nintendo DS (NDS) Lite Games Free Download just leave a comment so you can help others too.

Some popular Nintendo DS (NDS) Lite Games:

Professor Layton and the Curious Village
new Super Mario brothers.
Brain Training
Tony Hawk’s American Sk8land
Mario Kart
Animal Crossings
Sonic Rush
Sudoku Gridmaster
Mario Hoops 3 on 3
New Super Mario Bros
Tetris DS
Viewtiful Joe - Double Trouble

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Get Free Traffic!

Get Free Traffic!

There are a lot of various ways for getting free traffic to your site. You won't be able to make a profit off your site if you can't get people to visit it. These free web traffic techniques, however, will allow you to avoid the risk of wasting money and still be able to get visitors on your site. You must keep in mind, though, that free web traffic techniques develop slower than other methods. You won't be able to see instant results, but you can enjoy the effects of

your work as time goes by. Anyway, you will also see your earnings grow from the effects of free website traffic.

The first technique is using online forums. Forums that have related interests to your own site should be your priority. When you join a forum, remember to attach your site's URL to your signature, and do try to post interest and informative discussions to attract more people. Establishing yourself as an authority in your field will enhance your status among the members. Another advantage of using forums is that you can have a good indication about what groups of people would be great for targeting as your potential customers. This allows you to develop your site's content based on their interests.

One of the best and fastest growing techniques for getting free traffic is the newsletter. If you want to inform your subscribers about what new products or services are being offered on your site, a newsletter is the way to go. Articles and other useful content can be included in your newsletter as well. If done effectively, people will start to see you and your site as one of the more reliable sources of online information for their interests. People will then be encouraged to share your content and your site with others. And because of its personal touch, a newsletter is considered by many webmasters as one of the better ways for getting free traffic.

Another good way to get free traffic is using link exchanges. Try to make a deal with another website owner with whom you share similar interests. You will then have your site's link posted on the other site in return for putting his link on yours. Not only will this method help to drive more traffic to your site, but it will also improve your site's search engine rankings as well, due to the links from other related websites.

Another good method that must not be overlooked is writing articles. You can submit your articles on several directories on the Internet. When you write articles that focus on the topics you're interested in, you'll acquire a reputation as an expert in your field, and people will start to look for more articles from you. For this reason, always remember to attach a link to your website at the end of your articles.

The last free method I'm going to talk about concerns your own site. To be more specific, I'm talking about the content that you have in it. Quality content is very important and even crucial in making your site successful and profitable. Keep in mind what kind of keywords people are using to find websites like yours, and create your content based around that information. It's always a good idea to improve your rankings with the search engines, since this will give more exposure to your site and people will be able to find it more easily.

Richard Legg is a web traffic expert and generates over 1.5 Million visitors a year to his websites. Discover how to get free web traffic at

7 Things To Avoid If Your Running Adsense on Your Blog

7 Things To Avoid If Your Running Adsense on Your Blog

Google, being the undisputable leader in search engines from then until now, is placing a high importance on the quality and relevancy of its search engines. Most especially now that the company is public property. In order to keep the shareholders and users of its engines happy, the quality of the returned results are given extreme importance. For this same reason, doing the wrong things in the Adsense and other forms of advertisements, whether intentionally or unintentionally, will result in a severe penalty, may get you banned and even have your account terminated. Nothing like a good action taken to keep wrongdoers from doing the same things over again. So for those who are thinking of getting a career in Adsense, do not just think of the strategies you will be using to generate more earnings.

Consider some things first before you actually get involved.

1.Hidden texts. Filling your advertisement page with texts to small to read, has the same color as the background and using css for the sole purpose of loading them with rich keywords content and copy will earn you a penalty award that is given to those who are hiding links.

2.Page cloaking. There is a common practice of using browser or bot sniffers to serve the bots of a different page other than the page your visitors will see. Loading a page with a bot that a human user will never see is a definite no-no. This is tricking them to click on something that you want but they may not want to go to.

3.Multiple submissions. Submitting multiple copies of your domain and pages is another thing to stay away from. For example, trying to submit a URL of an Adsense as two separate URL's is the same as inviting trouble and even termination. Likewise, this is a reason to avoid auto submitters for those who are receiving submissions. Better check first if your domain is submitted already an a certain search engine before you try to submit to it again. If you see it there, then move on. No point contemplating whether to try and submit there again.

4.Link farms. Be wary of who and what are you linking your Adsense to. The search engines know that you cannot control your links in. But you can certainly control what you link to. Link farming has always been a rotten apple in the eyes of search engines, especially Google. That is reason enough to try and avoid them. Having a link higher than 100 on a single page will classify you as a link farm so try and not to make them higher than that.

5.Page rank for sale. If you have been online for quite some time, you will notice that there are some sites selling their PR links or trading them with other sites. If you are doing this, expect a ban anytime in the future. It is okay to sell ads or gain the link. But doing it on direct advertisement of your page rank is a way to get on search engines bad side.

6.Doorways. This is similar to cloaking pages. The common practice of a page loaded with choice keyword ads aimed at redirecting visitors to another "user-friendly" page is a big issue among search engines. There are many seo firms offering this kind of services. Now that you know what they actually are, try to avoid them at all costs.

7.Multiple domains having the same content. In case you are not aware of it, search engines look at domains IP's, registry dates and many others. Having multiple domains having the same exact content is not something you can hide from them. The same goes with content multiplied many times on separate pages, sub domains and forwarding multiple domains to the same content. Many of the above techniques apply to most search engines and is not entirely for Google only. By having a mind set that you are building your Adsense together with your pages for the human users and not for bots, you can be assured of the great things for your ads and sites.Not to mention avoiding the wrath of the search engines and getting your Adsense and site account terminated altogether.

Author: Gaetane has thoroughly researched the internet to locate the best High Income Business Opportunities that will enable you to start making money from your own home.,

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Nowadays, most websites use Pay Per Click programs like AdSense as a way to pay for the services they provide. Some others went further and got the great idea of letting the members that keep the website alive benefit from this revenue stream too. This is called Revenue Sharing.
How does Revenue Sharing work?

Revenue sharing is typically used in "community websites". A community website is a website that has a loyal readership regularly updating and renewing the website's content. Discussion boards or Forums are the best example to explain how revenue sharing works, as they are the most common form of community websites.

As a registered member of a forum, you get the right to access all the services it offers (ask for help, help others, send private messages, search the forum.). 

To motivate their members, forum owners used to thank them by different flattering techniques (become a moderator, have your name on the best members' list, become known as an authority in a given area.) but when AdSense became a popular monetisation system used by almost every Internet advanced user (typically the people participating in forums), some clever forum owners thought the motivation would be even greater if the best members could benefit financially from their participation in the forum. Revenue Sharing was born.

Even though the terms may vary from a revenue sharing forum to another, the principle is the same: Every forum member is asked to give his AdSense publisher ID then, after fulfilling some "active member conditions", a percentage of the ads displayed on the forum would be for him i.e. displayed with his AdSense Publisher ID. If the advertising gets clicked, the member earns money directly in his AdSense account. This is called Revenue Sharing because the forum owner shares his website's earnings by sharing his advertising space.

To have your ads shown, you may be asked to reach a certain number of posts, start popular threads, be a member for a defined period of time.

As you can see, this a "performance based" strategy that ultimately benefits both the forum owner and his community: the forum owner gets loyal and active members making his content richer and up to date which will end up increasing his website's earnings and the forum members get a share of the money they helped make in addition to the help and services they get from the forum. This is a great win-win situation.
Some revenue sharing websites: 

The fact that Revenue Sharing is a win-win strategy helped make it very popular among internet users and many websites are now using it. We have listed below - and commented on - some popular revenue sharing websites to help you make your choice if you want to get started making money from revenue sharing. We will keep updating the list as we discover new interesting websites. 

However, we would like you to know you shouldn't expect to make much money out of revenue sharing as it will hardly ever earn you more than a few dollars a month (we have tried it!). 
digitalPoint forums

DP Forums are among the most popular and usefull webmaster forums I know on the net. After registering and posting at least 50 times, you are allowed to enter you AdSense ID and get started sharing revenue.
For threads you start, your AdSense client ID will be used 50% of the time when the thread is viewed as a thread. 
Your AdSense client ID will be used 50% of the time when the thread is viewed by post and you made the post of course.

As you can see, the only way you can have your ads shown is by starting threads. In about two weeks, I participated normally (two or three post a day) and two or three threads started. Here are the results : 322 impressions and 2 clicks earning a huge 25 cents! I also got some CPM impressions which got me 2 additional cents.


AdSense arbitrage is a simple technique that has been imagined by some internet "pirates" to automate the process of making money online. They use pay per click programs like adwords to generate traffic on a given website, then they convert the traffic into money using advertising programs like AdSense. This is of course against google TOS. 

As you can imagine, the cheaper the traffic is, the better. That is why those unusual advertisers try to target the least competitive keywords even with low traffic. 

The traffic is then directed towards an MFA (Made For AdSense) website. Of course, the website should be optimized to generate a high CTR and a high RPC making the eCPM really good and the whole business profitable. 
Let's see it in action!

We have chosen to build a website on web hosting so we have to find keywords related to hosting (a competitive area) that are cheap to generate decent targetted traffic. We have chosen the following words (some typos and some other rare keywords):
Average CPC  
Monthly Budget 

cheep hosting  

perl hosting  

webb hosting  

celeron server  

AMD server  

secure web hosting  


However, some arbitragers don't mind using irrelevant cheap keywords or other PPC advertising networks like Yahoo Publisher Network, Miva... to get cheap traffic even if it is not targetted. 
The website: 

We have built a one page website with no outgoing links. We have placed a paragraph about web hosting stuffed with high value keywords related to hosting (affordable web hosting, cheap web hosting, free web hosting.) followed by two large rectangles of adsense ad units. 

An additional link unit is placed on the right hand side of the page instead of a menu.

To be profitable the website should generate a 30% CTR (possible given how we build it) and an average Revenue Per Click (RPC) around $1. Our profit will be as follows:

Profit = Revenue - Expanses 

Profit = (11168 * 0.3 * 1) - 3218 

Profit = 3350 - 3218 = $132

So we have managed to make $132 dollars doing almost nothing!
A shaky business model
As you can infer, this business model is really shaky and not sustainable as the least change in the business model parameters (CPC, CTR and RPC) can lead to some serious losses. In addition, such practices are actively fought by Google and all AdSense publishers using them are banned.

Double your adsense earnings showing fewer ads

YES it is actually possible to dramatically increase your revenue from Adsense simply by reducing the number of ad units you show in every page. In fact, most AdSense publishers think (and the AdSense team also tells them) that showing more ads will increase their adsense monthly income. This is unfortunately hardly ever true! 

Before you read on, we strongly recommend that you carefully read our article about the adsense pricing model since the strategy we will be discussing is mainly based on taking advantage of the adsense pricing model.

As you probably know, there are three main ways to increase adsense income on a website: 

• more traffic 

• higher CTR 

• higher CPC 

The strategy we are to reveal aims at getting a consistently higher CPC. 
Double adsense earnings showing fewer ads: A case study 

Let's consider the following case: you run a website with some traffic and three ad units (Top banner, Right Hand Skyscraper and a half banner at the bottom) and you make $ 130 a month. 

Let's see how you could double your income by showing fewer ad units. Here are some details about your website: 

• Traffic: 9.000 visits and 25.000 pages viewed in average every month. 

• AdSense Stats: 
Ad unit  
CPC ($)  
Revenue ($) 

Top banner  


Half banner  

Unless you have understood the adsense pricing model, you may be wondering why CPC is so different from one ad unit to another. Anyway, this is normal since the ad that gets the higher paying ads is the one that first appears on the HTML code (the Top banner) and is followed by the second one (Skyscraper) then comes the third (Half banner).

Let's now cut down the number of our ad units keeping only the Bottom Half banner. This means the half banner shows first on the HTML and so gets the two best paying ads. Since it is the first ad unit, it should have the same CPC the top banner used to have. Moreover, a banner shows 4 ads where a half banner shows only 2. This will result in a considerably higher average CPC for the half banner (due to more competition). CTR will at least stay at 4% since we kept the same placement, same colours. but could also increase to something like 5% because your advertising will be less intrusive. 

Let's now see how much money you will be making with no change in your traffic stats:





As you can read on the chart you could easily make $ 230 in the most pessimistic scenario while an optimistic scenario could yield more than $ 300!!! with no change to your traffic and a better reader experience.
Can I use it on my website? 

Yes most adsense publishers can use it. However, there are some preliminary conditions to getting the most out of it:

• If you are in a low paying market (like arcad and games related websites) where CPC is around 5 cents no matter how high your ad is in the HTML code, don't use this strategy as it won't do much for you. On the opposite, if you are in a high paying niche this strategy could work great for you. 

• You also need an ad unit with high CTR, compared to the other units on the same page, while having a lower CPC. The bigger the differences are, the more you could increase your revenue. 

If you can fulfil the two above conditions, then hurry up and remove those ads that keep you from making real money. 
Want more money?

OK! Now that you have reduced the advertising pressure on your visitors, you can choose to sit down and watch increased loyalty from your readers, more links... (long term results) or choose to get even more money now (short term) by adding ads to the space you have saved.

As you know, link units and referral products are perfect for that since they do not compete with ad units (so you can add them with no risk to the above strategy). 

Of course you can use other advertising programs instead of adsense but we won't discuss that as this is a "make money with adsense" website!!

adwords / adsense pricing explained

Understanding how Google determines the value of a click through AdWords / AdSense is a key issue because the pricing model is complex while being crucial for your business ROI. We'll first expose the general process and then get look at realistic case study. 
adsense / adwords pricing process 
Identifying keywords 

The first thing the AdSense bot does is to set a list of keywords that seem relevant to your page's content (contextual targetting). This is done through a complex algorithm nobody really knows except Google ! 
listing Competing Advertisers

For each keyword, a list of competing advertisers is established. Doing so for all the keywords results in an extended list of advertisers competing to show there ads on your page. 
Pricing every ad

Then based on the maximum amount of money (max bid) every advertiser is ready to pay, an ordered list is established from the highest bid to the lowest one. Then the Vickrey pricing model is applied as shown in the following example : 
a pricing case study

In our page, let's say that the AdSense bot has detected the 4 following keywords as relevant :
Cost per Click
Pay out 

Then for each keyword, AdSense lists interested advertisers as follow :KEYWORD ADVERTISER MAX BID ($)
Advertising Pordgast inc 2,25 
  John immo 0,25 
Cost per click 6,50 
  Ultimate aBooks inc 1,02 2,52 
  Ariel Blown 0,75 
AdSense Google inc 4,00 
  James LeGrand 2,00 1,50 0,50 
Pay Out Google inc 2,00 
  neevie ltd 1,85 

The next step is to list those advertisers from the highest bidder to the lowest one. This gives the following list :ADVERTISER MAX BID ($) 6,50 
Google inc 4,00 2,52 
Pordgast inc 2,25 
James LeGrand 2,00 
Google inc 2,00 
neevie ltd 1,85 1,50 
Ultimate aBooks inc 1,02 
Ariel Blown 0,75 0,50 
John immo 0,25 

Unfortunately for some advertisers, all ads won't be shown as ad space on the page is limited to a single large rectangle ad unit which can hold no more than 4 ads. This means only the first four will be displayed. 

But how much will every advertiser be charged for a click ? The answer is : 1 cent more than the advertiser following him. The next chart gives the CPC for every advertiser :POSITION ADVERTISER MAX BID ($) CPC 
1 6,50 4,01 
2 Google inc 4,00 2,53 
3 2,52 2,26 
4 Pordgast inc 2,25 2,01 
Invisible James LeGrand 2,00  

As you can see, the most agressive advertiser "" won't pay $ 6.50 but just 1 cent more than "Google inc" max bid to deserve his first position ! The process goes on until we reach the last advertiser (James LeGrand) who is only useful to determine what the fourth one (Pordgast inc) will pay.
AdSense Pay Out 

Now that we know how much every advertiser will be charged for a click, how much of the money will an AdSense publisher get ? This is called "pay out".

Pay out ratio can never be close to 100% because Google has costs to run its AdWords / AdSense programs and needs to make some profit! Today, nobody really knows for certain what the ratio is for AdSense, however we assume it is between 50 % and 60 % !

So if someone clicks on the second ad, you will earn something close to $ 1.30 

Lately, Google introduced CTR as a new criterion to define an advertiser's position in the list. Now the AdWords / AdSense algorithm uses CTR * Max Bid to order publishers using the same general logic as shown in this example.

improve click Through Rate

click Through Rate (CTR) is one of the three parameters that make up the AdSense basic revenue formula. Thus increasing it can have a dramatic impact on your AdSense income 

Over time, CTR diminishes naturally as Internet users get more and more used to the ads and less attracted by them. This is exactly what happened to Image banners that used to have something like 5% CTR and that are nowadays performing less than 0.5% ! 

AdSense sponsored links are successful today because they managed to come up with an innovative way of advertising through link like ads. This success is mainly measured, though not exclusively, by a high CTR ranging from 0.5% to 20% in some cases, the average being around 3 %. Now it is up to you to take advantage of this high optimisation potential. 

We have listed three main ways to improve a website's AdSense click Through Rate: 
Improve CTR using Ad Format 
Improve CTR using Ad Colours 
Improve CTR using Ad Placement

How do I create advanced reports ?

The first thing you are asked to set to your needs is the product data you want to analyse. Below the "choose product" heading, you will find a drop down menu covering all three AdSense products: 
adsense for content 
adsense for search 

Once you have choosen the product, you will need to define a date range. You can either use the drop down menu to define a period of time like today, yesterday, las 7 days... or define your own customised date range like from Sept 5 2006 to Oct 31 2006 to see how the Septembre update affected your performances. 

Next you will need to tackle the "Show data by" section. I understand this is quite confusion so I advise you to choose the default criterion which is "Page". However, advanced adsense users must be able to use any additional data provided by google so let's take a look at how the adsense team explains it. I have modified the text to make it a bit clearer. 

Advanced reports provide the option to view your performance by page, ad unit, or individual ad. We've highlighted the differences between each report below. 
Page reports will show an impression every time a user views a page displaying Google ads. We'll only report one page impression no matter how many Google ads are displayed on a page. 
Ad unit reports will show an impression every time a user views a Google ad unit on your page. For example, if a page with one half banner and one vertical banner is viewed once, we'll display two ad unit impressions. 
Individual ad reports will show an impression for each individual ad that's shown in any ad unit (remembre that a single ad unit can contain more than one idividual ad). For example, if a page with one half banner and one vertical banner is viewed once, it will generate three ad impressions. 

The last decision you need to make is choosing between displaying "aggregate data" and "channel data". 
Unless you want a summary of your overall performance on a daily basis or that you have not defined any channels, I think you should opt for "channel data" option that will give you valuable data on the performance of every channel you set up earlier. 
Once you choose "channel data", more options are displayed. This is a little confusing at first but if you are familiar with SQL queries and databases you shouldn't have any difficulty using these options. For others I have tried to list some guidelines: 
select at least one channel you want to analyse 
set grouping to "date" or "channel", avoid using both 
try many combinations till you get what you want 
try to understand the data and you will see what other data you need

Prepare data for analysis

After a period of time using adsense products, you have enough data to start learning from experience. 
Adsense offers some good reporting tools to help you manage your ads and adapt your advertising strategy to the unique reality of your website. 

To summerise my approach I would say that it is all about "identifying what works and what doesn't to take appropriate actions" . 
Setting up a framework for analysis 

By default, your adsense account will only give basic data about how well your ads are performing. In fact, the data is only grouped by product type and no difference is made between ad units and link units. 
This is really not enough if you are serious about developping your adsense business. 
Using channels 

To figure out what channels to use, you need to ask yourself what data you would like to have. Would you like to know what ad format has the best performance? Would it be better to have an idea about the performance of each section of your site? Are you concerned about where to put your ads (top of the page, bottom, left...)? 
According to your answers you need to use different types of channels. 
- URL related data:
If you have more than one domain (or website) that displays your ads, I highly recommend that you add all of your domains as URL channels to track each one's global performance individually. 
For an indepth analysis of a particular domain, use URL channels to track directories or even pages if these are not too numerous. This will provide an idea about how well every section or page of the website is doing. 
- Ad format related data: 
Some ad formats are known to be more profitable than others. To make sure this is true for your website too, I recommand that you define a custom channel for each format that you use. For example, use "300-250" for small rectangles or simply name the channel "Small rectangle"... 

- Positionning related data: 
Where you place ads on a page is sometimes crutial to their performance level. To track this influence (if there is any) use words like "left", "top", "middle", "text embeded", "in menu"... to define custom channels. 
- Colours related data: 
Colors can also be intersting to track as they can impact the CTR of an ad unit for example. The best choice here is to define custom channels based on the palette you use ("open air", "ink"...). 

Of course, these are just suggestions and you are free to come up with other criteria you find relevant to track.

Optimize your advertising strategy - Part 1

In its AdSense program, google offers an array of products : 
Adsense for content 
Adsense for search 

The first critical task (after understanding each product), is to come up with the best possible combination of these products.

Of course, each website is unique and so requires a unique " Advertising strategy " combining AdSense and other advertising techniques. To help define the best AdSense strategy for your website we suggest you try and answer these simple questions : 
Do you have many returning visitors ? 

This is tipycally the case for a blog or a portal with constantly updated content (news, forums...). If this applies to you, we think you should not rely on refferals to yield much income as they only pay for "a first time install". Once the majority of your readers will have installed the reffered product (firefox, picasa, adwords, adsense subscription...) you won't be getting any more money from these ads. 
On the contrary, if you have mostly first time visitors, then refferals can be a good choice. 
Where do your visitors come from ? 

Again, if you are considering refferals, you should keep in mind that these can be restricted to some regions of the globe. For example, the google pack installation won't pay you any cent unless the person installing it is from the USA. Thus, if the majority of your visitors comes from England it is useless to put this product on your website. 
Is your design flexible 

In some cases, and particularly with some blogging services, you do not have total control over the lay out of your website. Then you may have only one place to put your ads which is less than 20 pixels high. In this case for example, you cannot put any ad unit since there is no suitable format offered. 
In some other situations, you may be using a CMS (Content Management System) to build your site and be confronted to the hard fact that the only region you can personalise is the menu (or sidebar). In that case we strongly recommend you use link units because they can be harmonously integrated into any menu.

What is a MFA?

“MFA” is a new term you may have come across lately on discussion boards or blog posts. MFA is the short version of “Made For AdSense”. It is always associated with the term “site” (or “website”) or “blog” as it is a new phenomenon touching all imaginable web contents.

An MFA Site is a site that has been designed, created, published… in the unique goal of generation income using the Google AdSense program.

Accordingly, content, design and general website quality are generally poor when it comes to MFA websites and cause a bad visitor experience. Moreover, MFA site creation has been made easier and easier over time as the process has been highly automated through some cheap software offering to create such sites in minutes.

Although some MFA websites use traditional traffic generation and marketing techniques, most of them are based on what is known as “AdSense arbitrage”.


The adsense code is a javascript code you copy and paste into your pages. Javascript is easier to implement than PHP code or any server side code because any page, be it dynamic or static (in plain HTML), can execute it on the client's browser.

Once you have logged into your account and created your ads, the last step of the creation process automatically generates the javascript code for you. When you click the frame displaying the code, it is automatically selected and you can copy it.
Insertion the code

Now that you have the code, the next step is to open you webeditor or log into your blog / CMS... administration interface to insert the javascript code in the page's code. Please be very carefull not to paste it in your editor because it will be interpreted as plain text and won't execute on browsers.

This means you need to access the HTML code of your page. To do so using a popular webeditor like Dreamweaver, you just open the page you want and click the "Code" button to see the HTML code. Scroll to the desired line and paste your code there. To make sur your implementation is good, the code entred will be invisble when


Once you will have created and customized your ads, you will be offered the possibility to create channels. Channels are used to track the performance of a specific ad / link unit. 

Here is the screen you will see:

As you can see, you can either assign an existing channel to the unit you are about to create or create a new channel. 

To assign an existing channel, just click the "Add" link beside it. 

If none of the existing channels suits you, click on the link called "Add new channel" (just below the box). An input box will pop up and you will be able to type in the name you want to give to the channel. Click OK so the channel is automatically added to you channel list. It will also be assigned to the unit you are creating. 

If you want to remove a channel you have assigned to the ad, just click the link called "Remove" shown beside it.

Once you have added the channels you want, just click the "continue" button to get your code. 

For a comprehensive case study on how channel can be used to track performance and make decisions that will improve your earning, read this article. 

Next : Display your first AdSense ad unit >>

How do I create and customize my ads ?

o start creating an AdSense ad unit, you need to be logged into your AdSense account. If you do not already have an AdSense account, you can apply from this page. 

Once you are logged in, click on the "AdSense setup" tab and choose a product as shown below:

You will probably want to start by AdSense for content. On the next screen you will be asked to choose between ad units and link units. We will use the default options. (for more details on how to choose suitable AdSense products, please reffer to our advertising strategy guide).

On the next screen you will be able to customize your ads, by choosing the ad format and the colors as shown below:

When you are done, click the "continue" button and you will be able to get your Javascript code. This code has to be insered (copy and paste) in every page's HTML you want AdSense ads to be displayed on.

the adSense basic formula

Making little money with AdSense is easy : Set up the ads and leave them. Making real money with AdSense is much harder. This article will help you understand the adsense revenue generation mecanism (Business Model). 
the formula

AdSense revenue is based on a very simple formula you aught to know by heart : 

Revenue = Traffic x click Through Rate x Average Revenue per click 

This is also called The AdSense Business Model. 

This is the result of the formula, the amount of money you earn. 

In this context, traffic is the number of times a google ad is displayed on your website for the considered period of time. If your pages are seen 10.000 times during a month, your traffic is then 10.000 provided you place adsense ads on all your pages. To get 10.000 page impressions a month you can, for example, have 5.000 visitors viewing an average 2 pages per visitor or 8.000 visitors viewing 1,25 pages per visitor... 

Please note that google can also show "public service" ads that are not taken into account which will reduce you traffic. 
click through rate (CTR) 

CTR is how many clicks you get out of 1 (one) page impression. It is generally close to 1% or 2%. A CTR of 3% means that a traffic of 10.000 resulted in 300 clicks. 
CTR indicates how well the ads are doing, of course the higher the better but do not dream of a 30% CTR! 
Average Revenue per click 

As the phrase indicates, this is the amount of money Google pays you (in average) for every click. It can be 5 cents, 20 cents or many dollars. 
The process that determines the revenue per click is complexe and will be discussed in upcoming articles.

AdSense application guidelines

Access to the adsense program is subject to acceptance by the adsense team. Do not worry however, they are not the hardest to convince! Just follow these simple guidelines and you will soon be a membre of the adsense publishers community. 
If you have more than one website or blog, apply using the "best" one. Once you get accepted for one website you can use adsense on all your other sites and blogs! 
Do not apply with unfinished websites (containing pages "in construction", "coming soon"...), although you might be accepted in the program it is useless taking risks as an unfinished website will never get you any money so wait for it to be finished. 
Adsense is based on content (text), so keep in mind that a minimum text is required in all your pages (avoid excessive flash and images). 
For a website to be accepted it is commonly accepted that a minimum of 20 pages is often enough. For a blog, we think that a 2 months old blog has serious chances provided you post frequently. 
Certain contents are prohibited. If you are running a website with pornographic content, do not try to apply for an adsense account. Here is a complete list of what Google does not accept : 
Excessive profanity 
Violence, racial intolerance, or advocate against any individual, group, or organsation 
Hacking/cracking content 
Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia 
Pornography, adult, or mature content 
Gambling or casino-related content 
Excessive advertising 
Any other content that promotes illegal activity or infringes on the legal rights of others 
Pop-ups, pop-unders or exit windows that interfere with site navigation 
Excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords in the content or code of web pages 
Deceptive or manipulative content or construction to improve your site's search engine ranking, e.g., your site's PageRank 
Incentives (monetary or point-based) to users or third-party beneficiaries for online activity including, but not limited to, clicking on ads or links, performing searches, surfing websites, reading emails, or completing surveys 
Sales or promotion of certain weapons, such as firearms, ammunition, balisongs, butterfly knives, and brass knuckles 
Sales or promotion of beer or hard alcohol, tobacco or tobacco-related products, prescription drugs, products that are replicas or imitations of designer goods 
The program is only accessible to men and women older than 18 years. So if you are younger, you can either wait for some months and keep building your site's content and popularity or use someone else's identity keeping in mind that you could run into truble if your business does particularly well.
Is your website usable ? Does it have a functionning menu, well layed out pages, interesting content... you wouldn't expect advertisers to put their ads on websites you wouldn't trust yourself! 

Sign up for AdSense.

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